Welcome to Health Creation North
and to the
Health Creation Coaching and Mentoring Training Academy
Become a Health Coach and join the profession that transforms lives
Would you like to join an exciting, growing, positive health profession that brings people fully alive and back into a dynamic, fully engaged relationship with themselves? Come and join our Approved Health Coach Diploma along with other like-minded people on this holistic health coach training, it’s a real wellbeing journey. You don’t just receive what we feel is the best holistic health coach certification with our live weekend training, you will also have the full back up of the Health Creation Programme to use with your clients. This is an Essential Guide and Powerful Tool to your success as a Coach and Mentor.
By completing all three modules and the required homework and assessments successfully, you will achieve professional Health Coach and Mentor status. This signifies that you have the skills, knowledge and evidence base at your fingertips to provide a fully professional health coaching and mentorship service.
This is truly a fulfilling career, where you can be fully focussed on your clients needs and helping them create the stepping stones they require to achieve their goals.
Once qualified you can then choose what area you want to focus on, help and guidance will be there for you here if you need it. With the back-up of the Health Creation Programme to work through with your clients, you need never feel unsure where to start with your clients.
There are also additional modules you can complete if you so wish in specialist areas.
Module 1: Study on our 5 Live Training Weekends with:
Lead Trainer: Rosemary Tarrant,
Tutor: Sue Caden
Guest Speaker: Dr Rosy Daniel
in the ‘Health Creation Coaching and Mentorship Training’. These joyful 5 Live Weekends are run over a 6 month period. This is where you really learn your skills as coach and mentor.
Module 2: Self-Study online to take our ‘Principles and Evidence for Health and Wellbeing’ course. This gives you a thorough background knowledge in various aspects of health and is delivered by Dr Rosy Daniel who also holds monthly tutorials to support you.
Module 3: Online Professional Health Coaching and Mentorship Practice - you will be further honing and developing your skills as Coach and Mentor as well as building your business skills.
Welcome to Seasons Eatings
Our Health Creation Mentors and Consultants come from all walks of life. They include people who are just starting out to become a health professional as well as therapists, nutritionists, doctors, teachers, business people, management consultants, nurses, therapists and nutritionists. They are on the Health Creation journey themselves and want to help others to know and experience the value of good health.
They share one thing in common – the desire to see preventable lifestyle illnesses like heart disease, obesity, cancer, diabetes, anxiety and depression reversed and prevented through great lifestyle choices. They want to share the secrets of the joys of a life lived on holistic health principles, knowing how transformative this can be and how deeply beneficial to ourselves, our family, friends and work colleagues.
And in case that you doubt that this is true and you are not aware, Cancer Research and the British Heart Foundation websites among others now say that these conditions can very often be prevented with better lifestyle choice.
If you wish to see people and organisations flourish with our Health Creation approach, you can train in the skills and knowledge needed to pursue this heart-warming and fulfilling career and receive your Diploma on completion of all modules, homework and case studies.
Interested? Please click below and complete the non-binding application form and click submit:
Alternatively, you can email to arrange a phone call: Rosemary@healthcreationnorth.co.uk
and complete the form afterwards.
Thereafter you may make choose elective study if you so wish to go further….
Health Creation Consultant Training – Consultant Skills Training for those wishing to become a professional Health Creation Consultant working in Business, Schools, Healthcare and other organisations
Academic Study with Bath Spa University – All Health Creation study course hours count as prior learning modules towards Postgraduate Academic Independent Study Modules in Coaching and Mentorship from Bath Spa University.
As of April 2023, Health Creation is in alignment with the UK and International Health Coaches Association (UKIHCA) values and is now one of their Approved Courses.
Health Creation agrees with the views of the UK Health Coaches Association and global collaborators that training must be grounded in these basic principles:
To create an evidence-based foundation for a safe and effective practice
To define and articulate a clear scope of practice for health coaches and mentors
To establish the core competencies or performance criteria expected at graduation
To set a clear benchmark to align all education and training provision for ‘health’ or ‘health and wellbeing’ coaches
To ensure education and training provision for HWC is delivered to a minimum standard of safety and effectiveness
To ensure institutions and organisations delivering HWC have appropriate quality assurance processes in place
To secure and optimise the investment made by students when embarking on HWC education and training programmes
To cultivate confidence in defining and articulating the profession of HWC and the role of its professionals
To ensure that professional standards are culturally understood and represent an industry benchmark
To cultivate a collective understanding of the nature and quality of education and training, its provision across multi professional contexts and industry stakeholders
To support the NHS in developing a Register for Health and Wellbeing Coaches working in the public sector
To secure a robust base for growth of the profession and ultimately the development of national occupational standards